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Check out this ICEF Virtual Berlin Webinar on EdTech

Published Bernice on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 12:00 AM

EdTech in International Education

If there is a term that rose to popularity throughout 2020 it's been the term "EdTech", otherwise known as new digital technologies. Three weeks ago, at Schools & Agents, we had the pleasure of attending the ICEF Virtual Berlin event and one of webinars that we really enjoyed attending during this event was specifically the one hosted by Martijn van de Veen from ICEF.

Speaking about the importance of EdTech, Martijn told us that, "Edtech, new digital technologies, AI, at first it all sounds a bit scary and isn’t immediately embraced. Call it 'the fear of the unknown’. Due to Covid however, our industry has had no choice but to turn to the latest digital technologies to keep teaching, recruiting, networking and meeting during the pandemic - even we at ICEF had to dive into the world of online and virtual event platforms, something we initially never really warmed up to. This turns that initial fear into ‘the comfort of understanding’: we are now getting used to Edtech, to these new digital technologies and solutions. In a third step, the 'comfort of understanding' becomes ‘the excitement of the opportunity’: when we realise all the options and solutions that these new technologies offer us, we are able to use them to our advantage and build new solutions, products services, improve efficiency, accelerate processes etc. So in short, where Covid made us turn to new technologies initially as a temporary solution for our issues, we now embrace the fact that with new technologies come new opportunities.”

If you missed this webinar, we really recommend watching it here:

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